
KetoCitra™是一种医学食品,用于轻度至中度多囊肾病患者的饮食管理( ADPKD)。 KetoCitra 通过在 一种有益的矿物质混合物 中提供β-羟基丁酸酮 (BHB) 和柠檬酸盐来支持 ADPKD 的营养。 KetoCitra 的配方考虑了肾脏安全性。

    作为医疗食品,KetoCitra 必须在医疗监督下服用。与保健医生合作,检查您是否有资格接受 KetoCitra。


    • 您的第一批货物随附免费的 pH 试纸,适用于监测尿液 pH 值。
    • 一个月的 KetoCitra 会在您需要时每月送到您家门口。无需记住重新排序。
    • 随时取消。没有义务。
    • 秘密提示:如果您只想订购一次KetoCitra试用,可以低价购买,然后取消。我们不会生气的!
    • 随时更改金额或交货日期。您将在每次新发货前收到一封电子邮件通知,以便您可以轻松调整发货日期或添加商品。
    • 要去旅行,想要更多的 KetoCitra 来装你的行李吗?只需在下次发货时订购两瓶。
    • 休息?只需降低订购频率。
    • 与正常购买价格相比节省超过 22%。
    • 对于国际订单,我们建议一次订购多个月的 KetoCitra,以节省与每批货物相关的进口税和运费。然后,您可以更改您的订阅模式,以便您的下一次交付按适合您的时间表进行。

    常见问题解答有关 KetoCitra 的常见问题(针对健康从业者)。

    使用 KetoCitra 的说明

    KetoCitra 产品信息 (英文)
    KetoCitra 产品信息(中文) )



    All ingredients in KetoCitra ® are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) under their conditions of use. Please refer to the Nutrition Information Table below for additional information and the full list of ingredients.

    Domestic Shipping

    Disclaimers and Information for Domestic Customers

    Thank you for your interest in KetoCitra®! Free shipping will be provided for all orders shipping within the US.The average shipping time in the US is 3-4 days. **Please note: As KetoCitra® being a medical food, we are unable to accept returns under any circumstances.

    International Shipping

    Disclaimers and Information for International Customers

    Thank you for your interest in KetoCitra®! In an effort to make the product available outside of the United States, we are now accepting international orders. Every country has its own unique method for allowing products into the country, and since KetoCitra® is a medical food, there may be an extra layer of difficulty shipping to your country. Here are some points regarding the shipment of your order:  1. For most international customers, you will be charged a flat fee of $20.00 for all delivery charges including shipping, VAT, and any customs fees.  2. There will be an unknown timeframe for deliveries. We recommend that if you are on the subscription plan, that you move each “next shipping date” up so you will not run out between deliveries. You can also increase the quantity on the next subscription order as well. Note that larger orders may trigger extra tariffs in your country so it may be worth experimenting with.  3. Unfortunately, due to the lack of control we have over shipping and customs for international orders, we cannot provide refunds under any circumstances. We apologize for this inconvenience and are working to provide a better experience for our international customers.  4. Package inserts are not included with international orders. We recommend that you download the package insert, read it, and share it with your medical practitioner.