
}} 慢性肾病

Can You Reverse Damage from Diabetic Kidney Disease?

Can You Reverse Damage from Diabetic Kidney Disease? Diabetic kidney disease is a serious complication of diabetes that affects kidney function. While reversing kidney damage may not be feasible, individuals can take proactive steps to prevent or slow its progression. Managing blood sugar levels, adopting a ketogenic diet,...


Understanding the Link Between Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease

Understanding the Link Between Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease Managing diabetes and kidney damage involves a multifaceted approach. This includes controlling blood sugar levels, managing blood pressure, regular monitoring of kidney function, and lifestyle modifications such as a balanced diet and regular exercise. Consulting with healthcare providers for personalized...


What Are The Different Stages of Diabetic Kidney Disease?

What Are The Different Stages of Diabetic Kidney Disease? The stages of Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD), which is a complication of diabetes that affects kidney function over time, are important for understanding how the disease progresses and impacts health. DKD stages are commonly based on the eGFR, which reflects...


How Does Diabetes Cause Kidney Disease?

How Does Diabetes Cause Kidney Disease? What exactly IS Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD)? Before delving into the effects of diabetes, let's first understand what diabetic kidney disease (DKD) entails. DKD is a progressive condition in which the kidneys gradually lose their ability to filter waste and excess...


慢性肾脏病 – 症状、饮食管理等

慢性肾脏病 – 症状、饮食管理等 什么是慢性肾脏病(CKD)? 慢性肾脏病(CKD)是一种因肾脏损伤而导致肾功能进行性和不可逆性丧失的综合征。据估计,美国有 37,000 人患有 CKD,全球有超过 8 亿人患有 CKD,尽管大多数人仍未得到诊断 ( 1 )。肾功能根据肾小球滤过率 (GFR) 进行评估,肾小球滤过率衡量肾脏从血液中清除废物并通过尿液排出的效率 ( 2 )。随着肾功能恶化,电解质变得不平衡,血液中的含氮废物增多。如果不及时治疗,这种积聚可能会导致严重的医疗并发症。 CKD 有五个阶段,严重程度从轻度肾损伤到肾衰竭。然而,并非所有肾病患者最终都会出现肾衰竭。继续阅读以了解有关 CKD 的原因、症状和治疗的更多信息,以便您可以减缓肾脏损害的进展并降低肾衰竭的风险。 慢性肾脏病的原因: 患有糖尿病或高血压的人患 CKD 的风险最高。事实上,四分之三的新诊断 CKD 患者至少患有其中一种病症 ( 1 )。 CKD 的其他潜在原因和风险因素包括: 肾小球肾炎(肾脏过滤组件的炎症) 多囊肾病 (PKD) 或其他遗传性肾病 对肾脏的直接而有力的伤害 是非裔美国人、美洲印第安人或西班牙裔 ( 3 )...
