Unlocking the Potential of Nutritional Therapies for Long COVID.


Is Nutrition the Answer to Long-COVID? A Clinical Trial will Explore the Impacts of the Medical Food, KetoCitra® together with a Low-Carbohydrate Diet. 

Santa Barbara Nutrients, Inc, is pleased to announce that our medical food product, KetoCitra®, will be utilized in a pilot clinical trial for patients with long COVID. 

The persistent shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic has been undoubtedly distressing, with long COVID emerging as one of its most enigmatic aftermaths. Referred to medically as “post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC)”, long COVID is a spectrum of symptoms that linger long after the virus has been fought off. As The Lancet Infectious Disease Journal eloquently highlights, “There is a desperate need for long COVID treatments… lasting symptoms range from mild to disabling… These individual tragedies have wide-ranging repercussions.”

Despite being a pressing health crisis, long COVID patients often find themselves navigating a system with few solutions. The devastating truth? There are currently no pharmaceutical tools in the arsenal to combat long COVID. This leaves countless patients, and the medical community that seeks to assist them, in a challenging predicament.

But what if the answer lies in nutrition? What if the foods and supplements we ingest could play a pivotal role in managing, or even alleviating, the symptoms of long COVID?

Santa Barbara Nutrients, Inc. is thrilled to introduce a game-changing clinical trial that places nutrition at the heart of long COVID research. As outlined in our recently unveiled press release, “Is Nutrition the Answer to Long-COVID? A Clinical Trial will Explore the Impacts of the Medical Food, KetoCitra® together with a Low-Carbohydrate Diet,” we are taking a bold step towards a potential solution.

This trial, a collaborative brainchild with the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC), is driven by leading luminaries in the medical arena. We are talking about trailblazers like Nuria Pastor-Soler, MD, PhD; Kenneth Hallows MD, PhD; and Adupa Purush Rao, MD, to name a few. Their expertise will anchor this study, which will be meticulously executed at Keck Medicine of USC’s renowned COVID Recovery Clinic.

So, what’s the crux of this trial? We aim to elevate blood ketone levels, particularly Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), while lowering blood glucose. However, we’re not merely advocating testing a strict low-carb diet. Instead, we’re harnessing investigating the power of KetoCitra® to introduce exogenous BHB, offering a potentially groundbreaking approach to diet and nutrition.

Encompassing up to 50 long-COVID patients, this trial seeks to contrast a 30-day dietary intervention with traditional care regimes. With keen interest, we the study team will monitor its feasibility, safety, and the potential transformation in patients’ metabolic health, kidney function, inflammation markers, and the overall symptom profile of long-COVID.

In conclusion, while the challenges of long COVID are many, our commitment to uncovering solutions remains unwavering. With this trailblazing clinical trial, we hope to inch closer to a beacon of hope for countless individuals grappling with the lingering effects of COVID-19. The road ahead is promising, and with collaborative efforts and innovative approaches, we believe in a brighter, healthier tomorrow.
