}} PKD

New Clinical Trial Shows Ketogenic Diet May Improve GFR in People with PKD

New Clinical Trial Shows Ketogenic Diet May Improve GFR in People with PKD The KETO-ADPKD study is a landmark in the field of nephrology and nutrition, demonstrating improved kidney function as shown by statistically significant increases in eGFR in people with PKD adopting a ketogenic diet. This research helps to bridge the gap...


New PKD Clinical Research In The Works

New PKD Clinical Research In The Works Dr. Thomas Weimbs Chats with Dr. Shigeo Horie, Director of the PKD Association in Japan Breaking Down the Conversation: Dr. Thomas Weimbs Chats with Dr. Shigeo Horie on PKD In an enlightening exchange between two prominent figures in the PKD...


New Article About Medical Foods From Forbes magazine

New Article About Medical Foods From Forbes magazine As Thomas Weimbs, PhD, a Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Chief Scientific Officer for Santa Barbara Nutrients, explained, “Medical foods consist of substances ‘generally recognized as safe’ or GRAS by the...


Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Associated with Slower Decline in Kidney Function in Polycystic Kidney Disease

Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Associated with Slower Decline in Kidney Function in Polycystic Kidney Disease A new study finds that even low levels of the ketone body beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), below the level that would be considered ketosis, may have a beneficial impact on the  progression of polycystic kidney disease (PKD). A large group of people...



仁女计划参与者多囊肾病疼痛的改善 Thomas Weimbs,博士和 Jessianna Saville,RDN常染色体显性多囊肾病(PKD)是一种常见的遗传性疾病,药物治疗选择有限。多囊肾不断进展,导致肾脏和肝脏急剧肿大,且常常伴有疼痛。大约 60% 的受影响个体出现慢性腹部、胁腹和背部疼痛(PKD 相关疼痛)[ 1,2,3 ],这对生活质量产生显着的不利影响 [ 4 ]。代谢和炎症因子以及微晶体损伤是 ADPKD 进展的关键驱动因素,在疾病相关疼痛中发挥着关键作用。此外,超重/肥胖会因增大的肾脏和肝脏对腹部的机械压迫而加剧疼痛。由于长期使用的肾毒性以及阿片类药物成瘾的可能性,镇痛药物的选择受到限制。 ADPKD 患者迫切需要有效且安全的疼痛管理。 Ren-Nu 计划 ( ) 是一个由营养师主导的在线计划,采用对肾脏安全的生酮代谢疗法 (KMT),同时降低结石(肾结石)风险 [ 5 ]。 Ren-Nu 的一个组成部分是 Santa Barbara Nutrients 的新型医疗食品 酮西特拉® 提供外源性 β-羟基丁酸 (BHB) 与柠檬酸盐和碱一起支持酮症,以降低形成结石的风险。迄今为止,Ren-Nu 已被超过 150 名 PKD 患者使用,并在数字工具的辅助下专注于以植物为主的生酮饮食、营养教育、同伴支持、正念训练...
