KetoCitra Recipes.

}} KetoCitra Recipes

Pancakes With KetoCitra® Whipped Cream!

Pancakes With KetoCitra® Whipped Cream! This is a delightful twist on a classic breakfast staple designed to fit your low-carb lifestyle without sacrificing flavor. Whether you're a seasoned keto dieter or just exploring healthier eating options, this recipe offers a delectable way to start your...


Berry Cake Roll featuring KetoCitra®

Berry Cake Roll featuring KetoCitra® This recipe harmoniously blends the lightness of sponge cake with the rich, fruity flavors of your favorite berries, ensuring a treat that not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also aligns with your dietary goals. Perfect for a special occasion...


Rich & Creamy Coffee Mousse Cake Featuring KetoCitra®!

Rich & Creamy Coffee Mousse Cake Featuring KetoCitra®! We're happy to share with you another wonderful recipe by Nutritional Therapist, Orsolya Szathmari Indulge in the ultimate keto and kidney-friendly delight with our Coffee Mousse Cake! This decadent dessert is a testament to the fusion of flavor and nutrition. ...


Keto Friendly Strawberry Mousse Cake Featuring KetoCitra®!

Keto Friendly Strawberry Mousse Cake Featuring KetoCitra®! We're happy to share with you another wonderful recipe by Nutritional Therapist, Orsolya Szathmari This is a delightful and rich keto friendly strawberry mouse cake that just might be better than any traditional sugar laden version! Not only is it delicious...


美味的肾脏和酮类南瓜蛋糕食谱采用 KetoCitra®

美味的肾脏和酮类南瓜蛋糕食谱采用 KetoCitra® 我们很高兴向您介绍营养治疗师 Orsolya Szathmari 制作的令人愉快的节日食谱。这款令人垂涎欲滴的南瓜蛋糕不仅非常美味,而且对肾脏和酮类有益,采用 KetoCitra®! Orsolya 是一位经过认证的自然疗法和营养师,专门研究生酮饮食,特别关注旧石器时代的生酮饮食, 这是一种以全食物为基础、高脂肪、适量蛋白质和极低碳水化合物的饮食。 她致力于了解健康和营养领域的最新研究。凭借她的热情和专业知识,Orsolya 可以解决广泛的健康问题,并根据您的独特需求提供个性化护理。她帮助她的客户建立长期有效的可持续生活习惯。 如果您正在寻找更美味的 PKD/酮/食肉动物食谱,Orsolya 提供了三本精彩的食谱书,其中包含 140 多种美味选择。您可以在 Instagram 上关注她并了解更多信息:@orsolyaszathmari,并在这里探索她的食谱书: 原料: 300 克有机烘焙南瓜泥 4个鸡蛋 50 克 软化黄油 20 克 欧芹根粉、西葫芦粉或混合坚果粉 *请参阅下文了解如何制作欧芹、西葫芦或混合坚果粉! 100 克 山核桃粉 30 克 椰子粉 1 茶匙 南瓜香料 1茶匙香草精 2茶匙小苏打 1 勺...
