We're thrilled to introduce you to a delightful holiday recipe by Nutritional Therapist, Orsolya Szathmari. This mouthwatering Pumpkin Cake is not only incredibly delicious but also kidney and keto-friendly, and featuring KetoCitra®!
This is the first in a series of recipes we're excited to share with you. Stay tuned for more!

Orsolya is a certified Naturopath and Nutritionist who specializes in Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies.
She's dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest research in the field of health and nutrition. With her enthusiasm and expertise, Orsolya can address a wide range of health concerns and offers personalized care tailored to your unique needs. She helps her clients establish sustainable lifestyle habits that work in the long run.
If you're looking for more scrumptious keto and kidney friendly recipes, Orsolya has three fantastic Recipe Books with over 140 delicious options. You can follow her and learn more on Instagram at @orsolyaszathmari and explore her recipe book here: https://www.orsolyaszathmari.com/shop
- 300 g organic baked and pureed pumpkin
- 4 eggs
- 50 g softened butter
20 g parsley root flour, zucchini flour, or mixed nut flour*See below for how to make parsley, zucchini or mixed nut flours!
- 100 g ground pecans
- 30 g coconut flour
- 1 tsp pumpkin spices
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 1 scoop KetoCitra
- 400 g cream cheese
- 4 tbsp softened butter
- 1.5 scoops Keto Citra
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
- Decoration: Toasted pecan
Recipe makes 16 portions.
- Prepare an 18 cm x 28 cm cake pan by lining it with parchment paper.
- In a bowl, combine pumpkin spices, parsley flour, coconut flour, ground pecans, vanilla, and baking soda.
- Whip the eggs with the butter and the KetoCitra, add the pumpkin, and blend until smooth.
- Add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture and mix well.
- Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan.
- Bake at 160°C (using fan & bottom heat function) for approximately 30 minutes or until it's set and a toothpick comes out clean.
- Remove the cake from the pan and allow it to cool completely.
- In a separate bowl, beat together the cream cheese, butter, vanilla, lemon juice, and the KetoCitra until the mixture is smooth.
- Cut the cake lengthwise into two equal pieces.
- Add frosting in between the layers and on top, then sprinkle with chopped pecans.
- Let the cake settle in the fridge for 2 hours before serving.

This Pumpkin Cake recipe is not only a delightful treat but also a kidney and keto-friendly option, making it perfect for your holiday gatherings.
Thanks to Orsolya SzathmarI's expertise, you can enjoy this scrumptious dessert without compromising your dietary goals. Give it a try, and savor the wonderful flavors while staying on track with your health objectives. Enjoy!
Nutritional Information (Per Slice):
- Calories: 299
- Total Fat: 24.8g
- Saturated Fat: 11g
- Sodium: 215mg
- Total Carbohydrate: 5.6g
- Dietary Fiber: 2.9g
- Protein: 6.9g
- Calcium: 93mg
- Potassium: 176mg
- Phosphorus: 97mg
Flour Alternatives For Ketogenic Baking
In the ketogenic diet traditional flours made from grains and cereals are avoided because of their high carbohydrate content. Different nut flours, mostly those made of almonds and hazelnuts are used instead. There are also other options, such as bamboo flour, ground flaxseed, coconut flour or psyllium husk, just to name a few.
The downside of all nuts and seeds is that they are even higher in anti- nutrients than grains. These natural plant chemicals, like oxalates, phytates and lectins might harm our health and are especially problematic for those who already have an existing disease. That’s why I am avoiding them in most recipes and came up with other ideas.
My number one favourite is parsley root flour. Parsley roots are low in carbohydrates, have a slightly nutty but mostly neutral taste, a nice white colour and great structure. They are very popular in Eastern Europe but unfortunately not widely available in the US. They can be found at farmer’s markets and some supermarkets in certain parts of the US as well.
Another vegetable that can be used to make flour is zucchini. Unfortunately, zucchini has a much higher water content, so a bigger amount is needed to prepare a small portion of flour. It might can be a great idea for people who have lots of zucchinis in their garden and don’t know what to do with them. Preparing these flours is easy but requires some time and patience. It’s worth to produce them in bigger amounts to save time. They can be stored in a dry and cool place for a longer period of time.
The basic recipe is actually very simple: shred the cleaned and peeled (deseeded in the case of zucchini) vegetables, spread on baking trays and dry in the oven at 70 °C fan function for about 3-4 hours or until completely dry. Keep the oven door slightly open with the help of a wooden stick so the extra water can evaporate easier. The flours can be prepared in a dehydrator as well. When the vegetables are completely dry and cooled down, ground them in a food processor until they turn into a very fine powder/flour.
As an alternative to the vegetable flours above, I created a mixture of coconut flour, ground dried coconut and ground pecan nuts. It turned out
to work really well for all cakes, giving them a light coconut taste and crunchy texture.
You can see the nutritional values of the different flours/100 g below.
The zucchini flour is the highest in carbohydrates and has no fat. The mixed nut flour is the highest in fat and calories and lowest in net carbohydrates. The parsley root flour is low in fat and calories.
Parsley root flour
Zucchini flour
100g mixed nut flour: 20 g coconut flour, 40 g ground shredded coconut, 40 g ground pecans