Support Clinical Research at SBN as a Venture Philanthropist.

Become a Venture Philanthropist and Funding Partner 

For questions about Santa Barbara Nutrients, please reach out to SBN's president Dr. Thomas Weimbs or SBN's general counsel Martin Voet at

To learn more about SBN venture philanthropy via the Venn Foundation, and how to make your tax-deductible payments, please reach out to Jeff Ochs, CEO of the Venn Foundation, at

Brief Video to Learn More About Our Innovative Research & Be Part of the Solution!

New and ongoing research on polycystic kidney disease is not only critical to the health of those with PKD, but also to their families, and future generations.

As a benefit corporation, Santa Barbara Nutrients is committed to scientific PKD research. Our clinical research studies investigate solutions that are available NOW, not just 20 years from now.

The Challenges & Opportunities