KetoCitra®, the first medical food for the daily dietary management of individuals with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Learn about: KetoCitra®, Santa Barbara Nutrients, and the science and research behind the first medical food, KetoCitra®.

⇒ Read this recent journal club
Article where we explore the need for more information on dietary interventions in managing chronic kidney disease.
Watch the Kidney Disease Research playlist on Santa Barbara Nutrients YouTube Channel
KetoCitra®, the first medical food for the daily dietary management of individuals with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Learn about: KetoCitra®, Santa Barbara Nutrients, and the science and research behind the first medical food, KetoCitra®.
Read about the results of the FIRST paper in the scientific literature describing the Ren. Nu program, a research-backed nutritional intervention program, for individuals with autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD).
This paper describes the features of the Ren. Nu program and reports the first qualitative experiences of a group of beta testers.
Ketosis and ketoacidosis have very different meanings and should not be confused.
Nutritional ketosis is generally safe and is the result of a ketogenic diet.
Ketoacidosis is a direct result of high blood sugars that occur in those with uncontrolled diabetes and can be potentially dangerous.
Learn about KetoCitra® and what makes KetoCitra® safe.
Learn about the science behind KetoCitra®.