We're happy to share with you another wonderful recipe by Nutritional Therapist, Orsolya Szathmari

This is a delightful and rich keto friendly strawberry mouse cake that just might be better than any traditional sugar laden version!
Not only is it delicious but it's kidney & keto-friendly, and features KetoCitra®!
Sponge Cake
- 6 eggs
- 1/2 cup mixed nut flour or 25 g parsley root flour + 1/5 cup coconut flour
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- Pinch of salt
- 7 oz fresh strawberries (approximately 1 cup)
- 1 tsp gelatin
- 1.5 cups heavy cream
- 8.8 oz mascarpone
- Vanilla powder
- 1 scoop KetoCitra®
- 2/3 cup heavy cream
- 8 -12 strawberries
Step 1
Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form. Whisk in the yolks one by one, continuously whisking. Carefully fold in the parsley flour without breaking up the structure of the whipped eggs as they serve as a raising agent. Bake in a 9 inch round cake form at 325 °F (convection setting) for about 20-25 minutes. Let cool and cut in half.
Step 2
For the mousse, put the gelatin into cold water for a few minutes, then discard the excess water, melt it on low heat and let it cool. Put 12 nice strawberries aside for the decoration and dice the rest.
Step 3
Whip the heavy cream with the KetoCitra, add the mascarpone, the vanilla, add the strawberries and whip it until creamy and homogenous. Mix in the gelatin.
Step 4
Place half of the sponge cake on the bottom of a cake ring and spoon in the mousse. Cover with the other half of the sponge cake and chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Whip the cream, spread over the cake and decorate with the strawberries. Serve and enjoy!
Instead of the strawberries you can use other berries. Be aware though that strawberries have the lowest carb content and that raspberries are high in oxalate.
Calories per portion 216; total fat 20g; total carbohydrate 3.7g; dietary fiber 0.5g; protein 5.2g; Calcium 29 mg; Potassium 85 mg
Orsolya is a certified Naturopath and Nutritionist who specializes in Ketogenic Metabolic Therapies.
She's dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest research in the field of health and nutrition. With her enthusiasm and expertise, Orsolya can address a wide range of health concerns and offers personalized care tailored to your unique needs. She helps her clients establish sustainable lifestyle habits that work in the long run.
If you're looking for more scrumptious keto and kidney friendly recipes, Orsolya has three fantastic Recipe Books with over 140 delicious options. You can follow her and learn more on Instagram at @orsolyaszathmari and explore her recipe book here: https://www.orsolyaszathmari.com/shop
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