Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Oxalates – Interview with Sally Norton.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Oxalates – Interview with Sally Norton

Dr. Jacob Torres, Head Researcher at Santa Barbara Nutrients interviews oxalate expert and health consultant Sally Norton, MPH. Sally has 35 years of health education and research and is passionate about helping individuals eat for vitality and long-term health.

During this interview, Sally discusses how oxalates are processed in the body, the effects of high oxalate foods for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), and why it is important for people with CKD to monitor their oxalate intake.

In this video, Sally Norton, MPH discusses:

What is oxalate and why is it bad for us?

-Oxalates and the gut?

-What happens from eating too many oxalates?

-Lost seasonality and high oxalate foods?

-How to remove oxalate but not all at once?

-What can people do now with oxalate consumption?

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