Stage 2 Chronic Kidney Disease.

Illustration of kidneys held in hands, symbolizing care and protection for kidney health.

Welcome to our guide on navigating the subtle changes of Stage 2 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD.)

In Stage 2 Kidney Disease, your kidneys are still performing their vital functions well, yet are beginning to show signs of mild damage. 

This stage is characterized by an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) between 60 and 89, indicating that the kidneys are still efficient in cleaning the blood but require attention to prevent further decline. Understanding and managing this early stage of CKD is crucial for maintaining your kidney health and overall well-being.

Recognizing Stage 2 CKD

Often, Stage 2 CKD is silent, showing no explicit symptoms. It's typically discovered through tests for other conditions or during routine health screenings. Signs of kidney damage like protein in your urine (proteinuria) may indicate CKD at this stage​​.

Diagnosing Stage 2 CKD

The diagnosis usually involves measuring your eGFR from a blood sample and detecting proteins in your urine. Additional tests like ultrasounds or CT scans might be used to view the physical structure of your kidneys for any abnormalities​​.

Managing Stage 2 CKD

Treatment and management focus on slowing the progression and tackling underlying conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes. Regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar, and kidney function is critical. Medications like ACE inhibitors or ARBs may be recommended to protect your kidneys. Furthermore, embracing a kidney-friendly lifestyle is vital – this includes maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and avoiding substances harmful to kidney health​​.

Metabolic Health and CKD

Metabolic health significantly impacts CKD progression. High blood pressure and diabetes are top contributors to kidney damage. Managing these conditions through diet, exercise, and medication can prevent or slow down the advancement of CKD​​.

Diet and Lifestyle for Kidney Health

Adopting a kidney-friendly diet helps manage your CKD and prevent further damage. This involves consuming the right balance of nutrients – proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It's also recommended to manage your calorie intake according to your activity level and body size to maintain a healthy weight​​.

Ketones, BHB, and Kidney Health

Recent studies have indicated that a low-carbohydrate diet, such as the ketogenic diet, may have potential benefits in reversing kidney damage caused by diabetes. This diet focuses on reducing carbohydrate intake, which can help control blood sugar levels, a key factor in managing diabetic kidney disease. 

From a Mount Sinai press release: “Diabetic Kidney Failure May Be Reversed with Low-Carbohydrate Diet - Researchers have found that by administering a low-carb, high-fat diet in mice, that diabetic kidney damage was reversed, and also uncovered an array of genes associated with kidney faiure.”

Embracing Your Journey

Understanding your condition, making informed lifestyle choices, and working closely with your healthcare team are crucial steps in managing CKD. 

If you have Stage 2 CKD, focusing on your metabolic health, adhering to a kidney-friendly diet, and maintaining an active lifestyle can significantly impact your quality of life and help slow the disease's progression.

For more detailed information and support, you can explore resources and guidance from the American Kidney Fund and other reputable sources​​​​​​​​. Your journey with CKD is deeply personal, and with the right approach, you can navigate it with strength and optimism. Remember, I am here to support you every step of the way.

To find an experienced renal dietitian:

Learn more about diet and lifestyle changes for Kidney Disease here:

For expert advice on nutrition for Kidney Disease visit the Kidney Nutrition Institute:
