Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease: A Focus on Stage 1.

Kidney -Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease: Focus on Stage 1 - Early detection and management strategies.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition where the kidneys are damaged and can't filter blood as well as they should.

It's a progressive disease, meaning it can get worse over time, but early detection and treatment can help slow its progression. 

CKD is divided into five stages, with Stage 1 being the mildest form. In this stage, the kidneys are still functioning well but show signs of damage.

Identifying Chronic Kidney Disease: A Closer Look at Stage 1

In Stage 1 CKD, your kidneys are still performing well, which is why you might not notice any significant health impacts. This stage is defined by a normal estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of 90 mL/min or greater, coupled with signs of kidney damage such as protein in your urine or physical changes in kidney structure.

Signs and symptoms might include high blood pressure, swelling in your hands or feet, urinary tract infections, and blood in your urine, although many people do not experience noticeable symptoms at this early stage​​​​.

Diagnosis and Management: Navigating Stage 1 Kidney Disease

Diagnosis of CKD at this initial stage typically occurs incidentally during tests conducted for other reasons, such as routine check-ups or evaluations for other conditions. If you have risk factors like diabetes or hypertension, regular screenings may help catch CKD early. The diagnosis is based on the eGFR rate and signs of kidney damage like protein in the urine​​.

Managing CKD in Stage 1 focuses on slowing the disease's progression and reducing the risk of heart diseases, often linked with kidney health. It involves controlling blood pressure and blood sugar levels, maintaining a healthy weight, adopting a heart-healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding substances harmful to the kidneys, such as tobacco and excessive alcohol​​.

The Link Between Metabolic Health and Chronic Kidney Disease

Metabolic health plays a significant role in CKD because conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes are major risk factors for the disease. They can cause damage to the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, leading to CKD over time. Maintaining good metabolic health through diet, exercise, and supplementation can help control these risk factors and prevent or slow down the development of CKD​​.

In the  journey of managing your kidney health, understanding your condition, maintaining a positive and proactive attitude, and working closely with your healthcare team are key steps. 

If you have been diagnosed with Stage 1 CKD, take heart in knowing that with careful management, you can maintain a good quality of life and slow the progression of the disease.

Remember, this is a broad overview, and individual circumstances can vary significantly. Always consult with your healthcare provider for advice tailored to your specific condition and health needs. 

To find an experienced renal dietitian: https://santabarbaranutrients.com/pages/find-a-practitioner

Learn more about diet and lifestyle changes for Kidney Disease here: https://santabarbaranutrients.com/pages/find-a-practitioner

For expert advice on nutrition for Kidney Disease visit the Kidney Nutrition Institute: https://kidneynutritioninstitute.org/

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