Along with professional renal dietitians, and in collaboration with the Swedish Polycystic Kidney Disease Center, we’ve come up with 8 dietary and lifestyle changes you can make if you have polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Along with KetoCitra®, these changes could improve your life. We recommend working with an experienced dietitian to help you implement these changes and an appropriate PKD diet.
The recommendations have been carefully crafted to meet individual needs. However, every person is different and some people need to modify their diet in a specific way depending on their level of kidney function or other medal conditions they may have.
If you have polycystic kidney disease, nutrition is a vital aspect to consider.
Traditionally, patients with PKD are told “there is nothing you can do”. Today science has shown that dietary and lifestyle changes, more specifically following a plant-focused ketogenic diet, can impact the progression of PKD.
However, following a plant-based ketogenic diet can prove to be difficult. That’s one of the reasons why KetoCitra was developed.
Today, you CAN advocate for your health.